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  • 昨日は仕事の合間をぬって、クルーと地元のAki Spaceに

昨日は仕事の合間をぬって、クルーと地元のAki Spaceに

昨日は仕事の合間をぬって、クルーと地元のAki Spaceに行ってきました。この場所は山形県内のあらゆる飲食店が参加する11月までのスペシャルランチを提供しており、正規の価格よりもお得に楽しめるのが魅力です✨。私たちのメニューにもピザがあるため、その勉強も兼ねての訪問です。

Aki Spaceのオーナーが織りなす空間作りには、本当に感動しました。卓球やダーツも楽しめる夜のこの場所は、地域の皆さんが集まるリラックスした雰囲気を提供しています。名字通りの「空間」を見事に演出するおもてなしのセンスには、脱帽するばかりです。


Yesterday, I took a break from work and went to the local Aki Space with my crew . This place is offering a special lunch until November, with participation from all restaurants in Yamagata Prefecture, and the appeal is that you can enjoy it at a better price than the regular price ✨. We also have pizza on our menu, so this visit was also to learn about it.

I was really impressed by the space created by the owner of Aki Space . At night, this place also offers table tennis and darts, providing a relaxed atmosphere where local people gather. I can only take my hat off to the sense of hospitality that perfectly creates a “space” as the name suggests .

I felt once again how happy I am to be able to enjoy a meal in such a wonderful place together with my friends from the Asahi Town Restaurant Association and liven up the community . Please come and experience the charm of Asahi Town for yourself!