こんばんは今日は趣深く素敵な出会いの一日でした✨ 友人家族と開催したホームパーティでは、山形から台湾へフルーツの輸出を行っているご夫婦にお会いできました。さらに娘のように可愛がっている女性は、今日一日冷たい中でリンゴの収穫を手伝ってくれて、本当に頼もしい存在です。
Good evening Today was a day of interesting and wonderful encounters ✨ At a home party held with a friend’s family, I met a couple who export fruits from Yamagata to Taiwan . Furthermore, the woman who I love like a daughter helped me harvest apples in the cold all day today, and she is truly a reliable presence .
At the party, we were able to celebrate her winning the grand prize in the Akebia recipe contest hosted by the Asahi Town Diet Improvement Promotion Council . Although it was a belated celebration, we were able to spend a wonderful time praising her hard work. I would be honored if the homemade food and warm conversation filled both my mind and body. ️
Today, I am filled with gratitude for being surrounded by rich nature and wonderful people. I hope that there will be more opportunities like this ✨.