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  • 今朝は、心を込めて幕内弁当を準備し、仙台にいる孫たちのもとへ


今朝は、心を込めて幕内弁当を準備し、仙台にいる孫たちのもとへ足を運ぶ予定です✨。米国からのゲスト様は、日本滞在最終日を迎えております。彼らと過ごした1週間は、あっという間に過ぎてしまいました 。今回の旅で、たくさんの素敵な思い出と写真を収められたことを願っております。



また、新しい出会いと再会を心待ちにして、新たな風景を共有できる日を楽しみにしております 。

This morning, I will prepare a makunouchi bento lunch box with all my heart and plan to visit my grandchildren in Sendai ✨. Our guests from the United States are now in their last day in Japan. The week I spent with them has flown by . I hope that this trip captured many wonderful memories and photos.

The beautiful winter scenery of Tohoku and Yamagata must have been deeply engraved in their hearts ❄️. I believe that the beauty brought out smiles and memories, and helped to warm their hearts.

I am grateful to have met my guests, and I hope that this heartwarming encounter will last forever. May these memories be a source of nourishment for them in their daily lives after they return home.

I also look forward to new encounters and reunions, and the day when I can share new scenery with them .