今日は、とても特別な日です。なんと、うちのおばあちゃんが100歳の誕生日を迎えました!✨ おばあちゃんは、朝日町の皆さまからも温かいお祝いのメッセージをいただき、その喜びでいっぱいです。仲代おばあちゃんは、まさに現役のスーパーマン。彼女は毎朝早起きして畑仕事に精を出し、野菜を育て、りんごのコンテナも軽々と持ち運びます。さらに、冬になるとひ孫のために編み物も手がけ、一つ一つ心を込めてベストを作っています。
Today is a very special day. My grandmother has just turned 100! ✨ She is filled with joy as she has received warm congratulatory messages from everyone in Asahi Town. Grandma Nakadai is a working superman. She gets up early every morning to work in the fields, grow vegetables, and easily carry containers of apples. In addition, in the winter, she knits vests for her great-grandchildren, making each one with all her heart.
Her energy and passion inspires the whole family. We are very proud of the strength she shows to live even after 100 long years. We hope that she will continue to be healthy and spend wonderful days.